PCB Etching tutorial

Adding components and soldering

In the image you can notice that the components are soldered. If you wish, you can run solder across all the tracks which help to cover any breaks in tracks. It can also resist oxidation over those exposed copper tracks.

Etched and Soldered board - backviewEtched and Soldered board - frontview

Etching a board is so easy that I never consider using those perforated boards. But if you are starting with electronics, it is always advisable to begin with a bread board, then to a perforated board and finally into etching.
The below images shows an AVR programmer developed using the same etching method.

Other boards made using similar technique

Programmer boardAVR Programmer board

Step-by-Step PCB Etching Video tutorial




Tutorial index:

  1. Introduction to PCB etching using laser printer
  2. Paper Selection
  3. Printer Setup
  4. Preparing the Copper Board
  5. Transfer Toner from Paper to Board
  6. Etching Process
  7. Removing Toner from Board
  8. Drilling
  9. Adding Components & Soldering

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